Let’s be real, winter can be a tough time for many of us. From getting dark early, to the cold and for some even dealing with snow; it’s easy to let winter get our minds and bodies down. Use this winter to relax, rejuvenate and prepare for the winter months ahead. We have created a list of 10 helpful ways you can feel your best despite the gloomy days that often come with the cold months.

Move Your Body

Tons of emerging research has shown that movement is medicine. Due to the lack of outdoor time, it can be hard for many of us to make exercise apart of our days during the winter months. Make fresh air part of your daily routine, even if the air is brisk. Bundle up and go on a short walk and let the cold air revive you, instead of putting you down. Take advantage of the sunlight when you can which is a powerful source of Vitamin D. This helps improve mood, fight depression and is essential for strong bones, muscles and teeth. Find little ways to move your body when you can’t get outside such as dancing, yoga or a small home-workout routine.

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

8 hours of sleep is essential for optimal health of both the mind and body. Especially during the winter when our bodies are working overtime to keep us warm. In the book, “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams” by Matthew Walker it discusses how sleep enriches our brains. This supports learning, memorization skills, logical decisions, and even helps support our immune system which is essential for preventing chronic diseases. So make sleep a priority and give yourself the rest your body deserves.

Stay Hydrated

Although many think of summer as the season of dehydration, the winter months can also take a huge damper on our bodies when it comes to staying hydrated. Between the combination of dry air, indoor heating and lack of sweating many of us do not realize how dehydrated our bodies can become. Our bodies use water to help maintain body temperature so staying hydrated will also keep you warmer. H2O is essential for balancing homeostasis, energy intake, weight loss and preventing chronic diseases.

Eat Healthy

Nourish your body with warm and comforting foods. Ensuring your body gets the proper nutrients and vitamins during the winter months helps prevent weight gain and stores energy. Utilize a meal plan app like My Fitness Pal to keep track of what you eat. Meal planning is a great way to plan what you eat in advance, maintain a budget and stay on track.  The benefits of healthy are endless for your mind, body and spirit. Ensuring your body gets a sufficient amount of what you need in your diet helps support strong muscles, bones, a healthy immune system and can even lower the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude has numerous scientific benefits to support a healthy mind and body. Numerous studies show that keeping a gratitude journal can help improve mood, self-esteem and emotional regulation. By reframing your emotions and nearly forcing positivity to be within your mind, this can be extremely helpful for rewiring the brain to be happy. Keep a gratitude journal and write down three things everyday you are grateful for. Start off small, even if it being grateful for things such as your bed or a day with nice weather.

Make Tea

Warm drinks can be a perfect escape from the dull, dark feelings winter can bring. Tea has been a powerful drink used for centuries in many different cultures. Various teas exist that help support digestion, fight off illnesses and promote feelings of relaxation. Tea is especially beneficial during the winter months to fight off the common cold, soothe soar throats or help ease coughs.

Meditate for 5-10 minutes

Meditation is a proven way to reduce stress and relax your mind. Studies show it can help fight depression, increase concentration and restore a calm sense of inner peace. There are many forms of mediation to help get you started. I like using apps that have guided meditations to keep me focused on my breath. Even just 5-10 minutes a day can make a host of a difference and provide many benefits.

Pursue a New Hobby or Passion

Winter is an ideal time to slow down and learn a new hobby. With the extra free time of being inside take this time to learn a new hobby or start a side hustle. Studies have shown that getting creative can help increase dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Try your hand at knitting, painting, reading. If you’re an outdoor person look into some winter activities to try such as snowboarding, ice skating or skiing. The hobbies you choose to partake in are totally up to your preferences which may be creative, athletic, academic or a combination. Whether you’re looking for a group activity or something you can do on your own, there is something for everyone. Each year I personally make a list of new hobbies I have not tried before to expand my skill set and discover new interests. This year I am going to try needle felting and working clay to make pottery for my home.

Make Time to Relax

Ensuring a small part of your day is dedicated to self-care is the perfect way to take care of your spirit over the winter. A hot bubble bath paired with a face mask is great for relaxing, rejuvenating and energizing the skin. Bright and Bloom has the perfect bath bombs for a relaxing soak. And one of my favorite face masks is the Reflect Effect AHA Smoothing Facial Mask from Beautycounter for an easy 10-minute mask that will revitalize the skin. I love how it resurfaces dull, tired skin for an improved tone and texture. It contains bamboo particles that provide effective exfoliation.

Declutter and Donate

An important quote I once heard was that your outer environment can reflect your inner environment, and vice versa. One of the best ways to clear your head and reduce stress is by decluttering. Many of us become overwhelmed with excess things that we don’t actually need. This can make us feel overwhelmed and keep us from feeling more productive. Studies have shown women who describe their homes with positive language often have lower cortisol levels, which helps to reduce stress, depression and anxiety.

I hope these 10 simple tips help you prioritize self-care this winter. Tell me how you take care of yourself during the winter months.