Spring is all about new beginnings and cycles. The spring season is perfect for starting a new self-care routine or adding self-care ideas to your routine to achieve balance and improve your happiness. By adding new positive changes to your life, you will set yourself up for success for the rest of the year. Below we have 6 simple ways to jumpstart your spring to help you feel your best and in alignment with your happiest life.

Take Care of Yourself

Self-love is important because without it how can we have a productive and loving life for others. Prioritizing your self-care through rituals and activities is important to promote tranquility and relaxation. Let your muscles and body feel at peace by indulging in a hot bath with Epsom salts or a massage. Shed the depressing winter energy away by getting yourself a new haircut, because what better time to change up your look for summer than at the start of spring. Whatever activity makes you feel relaxed, renewed, and refreshed can be a form of self-care, don’t forget to indulge!

Start Spring Cleaning

Spring is the perfect time of year to focus on clearing out the old and making room for the new. Decluttering your space can help improve energy by removing things that may be weighing you down. People with less clutter, tend to be happy and according to a recent study can even improve your mental health such as anxiety and depression. Get rid of some clothes, organize your garage, clean out boxes, and bring some spring items into your home that will make you feel rejuvenated. 

Bring in Fresh Flowers or a New Plant

As most of us spend over 90% of our days during the winter inside, this can be damaging to our mental health as we get disconnected from nature and mother earth. Spring is the perfect time to invite some green into your home by bringing in some plants and fresh flowers. According to a variety of research, adding plants into your home can be a great support for our mental health. Nature is filled with a variety of chemicals that naturally decrease our stress response, so try keeping 2-3 plants inside of the rooms in your home to help promote a household that is tranquil and relaxing.

Update Your Skincare for the New Season

As the winter weather slows down, Spring is the perfect start for your rejuvenating your skin. The winter weather often dries us out and many of us lose that youthful glow. Investing in a simple and consistent routine is one of the best ways to see the quickest results. Find a routine that works for your skin and indulge! Try out an exfoliating mask to get rid of the dry dead skin that the winter brings along, I love the AHA Reflect Effect Smoothing Mask and Counter + Resurfacing Peel because these are great at working their magic to shed dead skin, while still being sensitive enough to not cause any harsh reactions. A light moisturizer such as the Countermatch Adaptive Lotion is lightweight so it doesn’t feel greasy but will lock in all the natural hydration in your face for the Spring and Summertime.  Skin care professionals also recommend adding a serum into your routine filled with antioxidants such as the All-Bright C Serum. Filled with doses of Vitamin C that will keep your skin soft and hydrated for the entire day. While having a skincare routine is important if you have to prioritize one product make sure it has SPF!

Show Gratitude

Neuroscience research has shown us that practicing gratitude each day can greatly improve our perception of the world and boost levels of serotonin (the happy chemical in our brains). Take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for and encourage your family members to do the same. This can greatly reduce your stress levels and help you feel more connected to loved ones in your daily life. Make it part of your daily routine by simply writing down 3 things you are grateful for each day. It can be big or small, just try reflecting on what you’re thankful for both personally and professionally.

Practice Mindfulness

Numerous studies report that the art of achieving happiness is practicing mindfulness. Being more aware and appreciative of your surroundings can help you get out of your head or thoughts that may be stressful. It also helps us get back in touch with our body, mind, and health. Some little ways to practice mindfulness in your everyday life include spending time in nature, moving your body (dance and yoga have proven to be great), as well as spending a little extra time with loved ones.

Drop a comment below and let me know which of these spring self-care ideas you like the most!