I have been practicing gratitude and am taking five minutes at the start and end of my day to see the good in each day. My journal also prompts positive affirmations for each day. While I have read inspirational affirmations and bought a calendar of affirmations for my teenage boys, I am finding that daily affirmations do not always come easy to me. How you think plays a big part in your ability to stay positive, affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset daily, and research has shown that they can increase your self-esteem and self-image.

On the holiday that focuses on love and connections, here is a list of ten self-love affirmations to inspire you to focus on the good and to help you boost your positive self-image:

  1. I find peace and joy in friendship and self-care.
  2. I treat myself with genuine self-love and kindness every day.
  3. I prioritize my health and wellness through daily movement and a balanced diet.
  4. I show daily gratitude for all the beautiful people and opportunities in my life.
  5. I know exactly what needs to be done today to grow my business and myself, and I am committed to doing it in a productive and efficient way.
  6. I help one person every day through a smile, an act of kindness, a listening ear, or genuine support.
  7. I surround myself with friends who encourage me and bring out my best qualities.
  8. I am capable of achieving my goals through consistent action and hard work.
  9. I am capable of creating a happy and fulfilling life for myself.
  10. I am strong, confident, and worthy of self-love and self-respect.

It’s important to repeat self-love affirmations to yourself regularly, either out loud or in your head, or to write them in a gratitude journal to help internalize them to boost both your positive opinion of yourself and your confidence in your ability to achieve your goals. Remember, self-love takes time and practice, but the more you affirm your worth and love for yourself, the easier it will become.

Sending you all positive energy for a beautiful Valentine’s Day!